Thursday, April 14, 2011

Objective Objectives...

My struggle this week has been trying to understand what this ABCD model is all about!

This thing about setting objectives has always been a great challenge for me.

I remember when I took the CELTA I never had them right from the beginning!

There was the S.M.A.R.T. acronym to help us remember all aspects to be taken into consideration:

S - Specific ; M - Measurable; A - Achievable; R - Relevant;
T - Time-bound

So clear, but it was like "easier said than done".

Now, I'm learning a new system...

I honestly feel it's all clear in my mind, but when I put it on paper I realize it's not that clear...



  1. Hi Elo,
    I agree with you. Writing objectives has always be a problem for me because I have a lot of ideas and it's hard to put them in a logical order. However, with ABDC method my objective came out. I confess that is an easy method.

  2. Hi Helô,

    Yes, I understand you very well. Writing good objectives has always been also a major challenge for me. I've always preferred evaluation criteria, because they are clearer and measurable.

    Sometimes you have the idea of what you want in mind, but putting in on a paper, as you say, is not easy. That's why having a model is like a scaffolding for objetive writting. All we need now is practice.

  3. Objectives - they can be very hard to formulate and clarify, but we cannot do without them. Like you said, you've got them in your head, but they won't transfer onto a piece of paper easily.
    Interesting thing is that different organisations have different ways of sorting things such as objectives and they use acronyms that look very appealing and sound strong and “Wow” but then again can be very frustrating to follow (you mentioned SMART). However, this ABCD model could not be simpler. It's not there to impress the audience but to facilitate objectives writing and as far as I'm concerned it works.

  4. Well Helo,

    If this makes you feel better. . .
    more than a task it was a mission.

    At first it was difficult because of our lack of information, but with the passing of the days things changed.

    Now we are all prepared. . .


  5. Hello Helo,

    I was not fond of writing structured objectives, but I must recognize that when I used this model it worked, at least that class, and it may be a good way of managing time in the long term, to check whichof your objectives are accomplished.
    However, I'm not so sure it is always possible to observe a behaviour. Anyway, it might be a matter of practicing using the model.
    By the way, your blog is beautiful!


  6. Thanks, dear!

    I've been to yours, but was not able to post a message. I think you have to start posting and, then, from there, we can make comments!

    I'm curious to know more about your impressions on this new experience!


  7. Dera Helo,

    I agree with you when you said "easier said than done". I also have to admit that it tool a little bit of time to develop my objectives… but we the help of all of you we made it through. I Found Galo´s objective very interesting he kept it “short and simple”. This remains me that we as teachers sometimes tend to complicate things for students instead of offering them a meaningful learning… Isn´t it????

