Friday, April 15, 2011

German Coast Guard

This is the end of Week #2! 

Some laughter after so many reflections!

Or maybe this is one more thing... to think about!

Teen Brains on Technology

"We need to think about how to teach them to match the world they live in"

Infinite Mirrors

The experience I've been through this week reminds me of a time when I was very little...
I remember the first time I entered one of those dressing rooms with mirrors facing mirrors...
I was so puzzled by the possibility of the never-ending image...

That's how I see this web search...


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Objective Objectives...

My struggle this week has been trying to understand what this ABCD model is all about!

This thing about setting objectives has always been a great challenge for me.

I remember when I took the CELTA I never had them right from the beginning!

There was the S.M.A.R.T. acronym to help us remember all aspects to be taken into consideration:

S - Specific ; M - Measurable; A - Achievable; R - Relevant;
T - Time-bound

So clear, but it was like "easier said than done".

Now, I'm learning a new system...

I honestly feel it's all clear in my mind, but when I put it on paper I realize it's not that clear...


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 2 - Early Reflections

I've been weaving...

Every single stitch will make a big difference! 

The point in the web searching discussion is to try different things rather than Google. So, for lyrics search, I strongly recommend Leo's lyrics. You can search by song or artist and you can also search within song lyrics! Really helpful! 

I've been applying some search strategies by using the bolean operators, +, - and  ~ . Something I didn't know was the possibility of searching within a certain site and avoiding certain sites. I didn't know about the chances of getting spams when we go to advertised sites. I'll copy the link and paste it into a new window. That way, I'm less likely to get spam. 

I finally got the authorization to implement the idea with the Writing 2 students. This week they are answering the needs analysis questions so that I can know more about them and their needs. I think I'm done with Project Task 1. 

I managed to use the ABCD model when planning a class this week. The reflection upon the objective of the lesson made me realize the importance of setting goals and their relevance when selecting instructional media and evaluation. Now I see clearly that objectives provide a "link between expectations, teaching and grading", as stated in "How to write Clear Objectives"


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Demolition Plan

This is the end of Week #1! 

Some laughter after so many reflections!

Or maybe this is one more... food for thought!

Internet Access in Developing Countries

Luis has a point when he states:
"A serious problem is when we don`t know how to use the new technology, and as we know a lot of students in the third world don`t have easy access to Internet"
So, I went online for statistics on the internet access in Brazil. 
According to Raquel Recuero, in Connected They Write: The Lure of Writing on the Web:
"In Brazil, almost 80 percent of the population between 16 and 24 years and almost 70 percent of those aged 10 to 15 accessed the Internet in 2009."
Internet Stats Today confirms that by stating: 
"In 2009 71% of people aged 15-17 years, and 68.7% of 18 and 19 year-olds were connected to the World Wide Web."
Updated statistics shows higher percentages, though. 
So, although Brazil is considered a developing country, fortunately, more and more people are having access to the internet. 
What worries me, honestly, is the good use people can make out of all the info found online.
Most of my students surf the net for games, social networks, etc...
I wonder how many go for books, dictionaries, newspaper or magazine articles...Helô