Friday, April 8, 2011

What I think about the things I'm learning...

I'm learning there are so many people doing so many good things around the world! I feel these reflections come at a time I was a little disappointed with my career. There comes a time we feel tired of doing the same old things... Our peers at work are tired of listening to our complaints... I’ve had some introspective moments this week. Reading the articles recommended by the course and the ones suggested by our peers has been really inspiring...  Our discussions have comforted me. I’m not alone... Other teachers might have been through similar situations and might have some tips. I wonder if we will have a chat room, where we could meet and talk...


Reflection on using a blog for class...

Reading Blogging for ELT and Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes has made me consider using a blog with my Writing 2  students. As  stated in the former article, the project will stimulate out-of-class discussion, increase the sense of community in the class and, consequently, build a closer relationship among students. Nowadays, there is the process-writing approach we do in the classroom. Students who miss classes when we have peer-feedback sessions don’t have the chance to share their ideas later on. An online portfolio would be perfect. They would go online to read and make comments at their pace. That would be a real process-writing approach. Because their work will be there for everyone to see it, students would have the real need to polish it.

I also liked the idea of the Project Work. We could, for example, have partnerships with other binational centers, as suggested by Gil, from CCBEU.  That would be great!

I remember when I was a teen, I used to have penpals from different coutries. That helped me a lot! Now, with the internet, this interaction can be cheaper and more efficient.

I especially liked the author's blog, where we have a record of his blogs. Interesting to see this unlimited universe of blogs!  


1 - I’ve talked to my supervisor and chances are I’ll be able to implent this idea.
Still waiting for authorization.


What I learned creating the blog...

First, I felt I was overwhelmed with so much information... Scared, I would say! But soon realized that creating the blog was fun! I started clicking everywhere and soon got the hang of it! Sometimes I was not able to do what I wanted, but, then, I tried many times and I managed to get there. Curiosity was key! As I was eager to have a beautiful blog, I explored the resources. And as I saw the other people’s beautiful blogs, I thought:”This is a good idea! How can I do it?”.

I learned I can learn a lot in a short period of time. It’s amazing how my life has changed in the past hours... This was a universe totally unknown to me. Now I can say I belong to this century!

As Seth Godin says: 

”If you’re good at it, some people are going to read it. If you’re not good at it and you stick with it, you get good at it”

I hope I get good at it!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I've just blogged!

I'm so excited I have just blogged!

Click on the image to tour around São Paulo!

I think I'm getting addicted to this blogging thing!

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