Friday, April 8, 2011

What I learned creating the blog...

First, I felt I was overwhelmed with so much information... Scared, I would say! But soon realized that creating the blog was fun! I started clicking everywhere and soon got the hang of it! Sometimes I was not able to do what I wanted, but, then, I tried many times and I managed to get there. Curiosity was key! As I was eager to have a beautiful blog, I explored the resources. And as I saw the other people’s beautiful blogs, I thought:”This is a good idea! How can I do it?”.

I learned I can learn a lot in a short period of time. It’s amazing how my life has changed in the past hours... This was a universe totally unknown to me. Now I can say I belong to this century!

As Seth Godin says: 

”If you’re good at it, some people are going to read it. If you’re not good at it and you stick with it, you get good at it”

I hope I get good at it!

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