Friday, April 8, 2011

What I think about the things I'm learning...

I'm learning there are so many people doing so many good things around the world! I feel these reflections come at a time I was a little disappointed with my career. There comes a time we feel tired of doing the same old things... Our peers at work are tired of listening to our complaints... I’ve had some introspective moments this week. Reading the articles recommended by the course and the ones suggested by our peers has been really inspiring...  Our discussions have comforted me. I’m not alone... Other teachers might have been through similar situations and might have some tips. I wonder if we will have a chat room, where we could meet and talk...


1 comment:

  1. I agree with Heloisa when she says that every body is adapted to his or her daily routine. That`s true because we repeat the same activities every day and when new things or actvities appear we try to reject them. Sometimes we don`t realize that the world is changing every day and we have to be ready to face the new challenges of the future. For this reason teachers must be prepared to know new teaching strategies and methos, and how to use new tools of learning. Most of the people say that education has to change, but teachers should change first because if we give the first steps, students are going to follow us. A srious problem is when we don`t know how to use the new technology, and as we know a lot of students in the third world don`t have easy acces to Internet
