Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Point of no Return

I’m an X digital immigrant in the middle of Ys and Zs and wondering what’s next…Ws?

Born in the late 60s, having had no access to a fixed phone until the age of 10 or so. For some  reason, I still remember that number and my classmates’ first and last names… Now I know I can count on the “cell memory”, so I don’t care about remembering numbers…

I still remember the sensation when I saw the first color TV and when I watched the soccer game in color for the fisrt time… What an impact!

Nowadays, I wonder what would make such a huge impact… Everything happens so fast we don’t even have time to absorb all the changes around us!

Big challenge is surviving, in a sound state of mind, in the middle of all the transformations we have been going through...

Trying to adapt to the new media and methodology approaches is a MUST. I see it as a point of no return...

Inevitably, there will always be the gap. This is the beauty of the generation gap…There’s always something to learn from the fresh young brains and something to pass on to those same fearless curious brains!



  1. Hey Helô...
    Good food for thought. I share a number of your feelings. It's interesting to know you were also born in the late 60's. I am from May 1969 - a Gemini! I also pick at my mom and say "Why couldn't you wait till, say, January 1970??? It would make a huge difference!!" (lol).
    It's interesting the points you mention here because we were discussing this issue at CCBEU last Friday. Somehow we are really trapped because we lived the so called good old days and in the last 10 years or so we have been bombarded with so many new things. I also remembered the days we had to go to a bank a week in advance to request a checkbook and now...
    Anyway... thanks for bringing these memories back and to make me feel more at ease in that I am definitely not alone!You are so right - NO RETURN!

  2. Hi Helo,

    While I was reading this blog two opposing feelings arose, one positive and one negative.

    I believe that what you have written is completely true, technology has dramatically changed our way of living, the way we define ourselves, our jobs, our interpersonal communication etc. A lot has been achieved in vital areas just to mention the difficult operation or surgeries done with the help of technology...I mean this is great, is wonderful...

    But, I think technology should never replace certain traditional 'gratification,' for example like reading a book instead of an e-book, or painting instead of a Photoshop, I believe that certain things should be preserved for the future generation.

  3. I like technology but I think we must be very careful about it. It is developing much faster than our brain can adapt to it, so we mustn’t let it go out of our hands.
    I like technology helping me and working for me, not the other way round. Because if put technology in the first place, and human power behind, we might end up depending on it (which isn't far from reality: cell-phones, Internet, computers, USB drives...)
    Still, we cannot discard technology, nor should we do it, but have to use it wisely and to our needs.

  4. Hi Helo,

    I agree with you. The changes in technology are dizzying. Every time I learn something new, I find out how behind I am. I've learned to not worry and enjoy what I know right now.

