Friday, May 20, 2011

Week #7: The one-computer classroom

We have the one-computer classroom at the place where I work, but, for some reason, some courses do not provide any work on  those computers. It's, then, up to the teacher to make use of that technology. 

In the courses where we have to use the computer, we only have PowerPoint presentations. I really liked to ideas on classroom management at I'll consider having different roles when designing activities in the future. I also liked to read about trends in TELL at and the possibilities at 

And have your activities worked out well? 



  1. Dear Helo,

    As teachers we must use all the tools that are at our reach to make the teaching process more interesting and effective.

    I consider that one computer in a classroom is really useful, and as you said it is not enough with power point presentations, we have to create as many activities as possible to enhance and strengthen our students’ skills.


  2. Hi Helô...

    I can see how frustrated you may feel at times at your center having people around who will not do anything at all to spice their classes. This goes way beyond the use/overuse of powerpoint presentations, right?
    I have gone through different feelings about it. There was a time I was really enthusiastic about this new world that had been introduced to me and I thought I could change the world.
    Then I got really demotivated being bombared with negative comments I almost surrendered. Recently I have changed my mind. Specially after we started this course I have decided to keep sowing my seeds in hopes that someday, somewhere they will turn into beautiful, fruitful trees.

    Keep your great work.


  3. Hi Helo,

    I think what constrains many teachers to use technology in their classes is simply fear. They are afraid of what they don't know or of the risks of trying new things.
    In this way this course has been essential for me, because apart from what I have learnt, it has 'forced me' to put into practice that knowledge.

